Tanzania Episcopal Conference https://tec.ventech.co.tz/ TEC Sun, 29 Oct 2023 16:08:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 230370729 Bishops of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa. https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/10/29/bishops-of-the-episcopal-conferences-of-africa/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bishops-of-the-episcopal-conferences-of-africa https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/10/29/bishops-of-the-episcopal-conferences-of-africa/#respond Sun, 29 Oct 2023 16:07:59 +0000 https://tec.ventech.co.tz/?p=13589 Africa is a rich and diverse continent, the second biggest in the world, with 54 fully-recognised countries. Each country has its own economic, political and religious realities. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales stands in solidarity with the Bishops of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa.

The post Bishops of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa. appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

Africa is a rich and diverse continent, the second biggest in the world, with 54 fully-recognised countries. Each country has its own economic, political and religious realities. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales stands in solidarity with the Bishops of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa.

The post Bishops of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa. appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/10/29/bishops-of-the-episcopal-conferences-of-africa/feed/ 0 13589
Council of Catholic Bishops of Tanzania TEC., Starts Apostolic Pilgrimage in Vatican City https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/10/29/council-of-catholic-bishops-of-tanzania-tec-starts-apostolic-pilgrimage-in-vatican-city/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=council-of-catholic-bishops-of-tanzania-tec-starts-apostolic-pilgrimage-in-vatican-city https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/10/29/council-of-catholic-bishops-of-tanzania-tec-starts-apostolic-pilgrimage-in-vatican-city/#respond Sun, 29 Oct 2023 15:31:07 +0000 https://tec.ventech.co.tz/?p=13583 The Apostolic Pilgrimage of the Council of Catholic Bishops of Tanzania: The main goal is: To meet and talk with the Holy Father as well as to provide written information to the Pontifical Council of Bishops about the entire course of life and mission of the Church in the respective State. It is also an […]

The post Council of Catholic Bishops of Tanzania TEC., Starts Apostolic Pilgrimage in Vatican City appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

The Apostolic Pilgrimage of the Council of Catholic Bishops of Tanzania: The main goal is: To meet and talk with the Holy Father as well as to provide written information to the Pontifical Council of Bishops about the entire course of life and mission of the Church in the respective State. It is also an opportunity to discuss with the heads of the Pontifical Councils for the welfare, development and benefits of the Church of Christ Jesus as part of the construction of the Synod Church. It is a time of deep prayer and reflection

The post Council of Catholic Bishops of Tanzania TEC., Starts Apostolic Pilgrimage in Vatican City appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/10/29/council-of-catholic-bishops-of-tanzania-tec-starts-apostolic-pilgrimage-in-vatican-city/feed/ 0 13583
Hello world! https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/10/28/hello-world/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=hello-world https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/10/28/hello-world/#comments Sat, 28 Oct 2023 15:51:04 +0000 https://tec.ventech.co.tz/?p=1 Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

The post Hello world! appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

The post Hello world! appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/10/28/hello-world/feed/ 1 1
Relational vs non-relational databases, querying data and what product managers really need to know https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/09/relational-vs-non-relational-databases-querying-data-and-what-product-managers-really-need-to-know/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=relational-vs-non-relational-databases-querying-data-and-what-product-managers-really-need-to-know https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/09/relational-vs-non-relational-databases-querying-data-and-what-product-managers-really-need-to-know/#comments Sun, 09 Apr 2023 18:09:01 +0000 https://favdevs.com/demos/wp/techza/?p=6725 Welcome to part five of a series of articles covering the technical knowledge that every Product Manager ought to know. Today I’m going to be talking about...

The post Relational vs non-relational databases, querying data and what product managers really need to know appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

AI can help you start your business or help your existing business thrive.
The good news is that you don’t need to spend years developing AI technology like ChatGPT on your own but only learn how to use the ChatGPT API and:

  • Customize the behavior of the chatbot, so the responses are more relevant to your customers
  • Create a nice interface that makes AI more accessible for your customers (who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access and use AI tech)
  • Create or improve your product/service

Here’s how some companies have implemented the ChatGPT API in their businesses.

Quizlet :

If you’re a student, probably you know Quizlet. This is a learning platform that helps people study and practice any subject through flashcards.

Snapchat :

Another app that has used the ChatGPT API is Snapchat. Snapchat used the ChatGPT API to build an AI chatbot called “My AI” that is available for Snapchat+ subscribers.

Shop :

When people search for products on their consumer app, they have the option to start a conversation with the shopping assistant who will make personalized recommendations based on their requests.

All of this is possible thanks to Whisper’s human-level accuracy in speech recognition. Helps language students talkanything & get instant feedback from an AI language tutor.

― Adam Daniel

Different companies have been using the OpenAI API to power their products with AI. For example, Duolingo uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 to provide French grammar corrections on its app, while GitHub uses OpenAI’s Codex to help programmers write code faster with less work.

The post Relational vs non-relational databases, querying data and what product managers really need to know appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/09/relational-vs-non-relational-databases-querying-data-and-what-product-managers-really-need-to-know/feed/ 2 6725
ChatGPT-4: Taking conversational AI to the next level with the advanced language generation and context-awareness https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/09/chatgpt-4-taking-conversational-ai-to-the-next-level-with-the-advanced-language-generation-and-context-awareness/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=chatgpt-4-taking-conversational-ai-to-the-next-level-with-the-advanced-language-generation-and-context-awareness https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/09/chatgpt-4-taking-conversational-ai-to-the-next-level-with-the-advanced-language-generation-and-context-awareness/#respond Sun, 09 Apr 2023 18:08:25 +0000 https://favdevs.com/demos/wp/techza/?p=6723 Over the past few years, conversational AI has been evolving at an unprecedented rate, and ChatGPT has been at the forefront of this revolution...

The post ChatGPT-4: Taking conversational AI to the next level with the advanced language generation and context-awareness appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

learn how to use the ChatGPT API and:
  • Customize the behavior of the chatbot, so the responses are more relevant to your customers
  • Create a nice interface that makes AI more accessible for your customers (who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access and use AI tech)
  • Create or improve your product/service
Here’s how some companies have implemented the ChatGPT API in their businesses.

Quizlet :

If you’re a student, probably you know Quizlet. This is a learning platform that helps people study and practice any subject through flashcards.

Snapchat :

Another app that has used the ChatGPT API is Snapchat. Snapchat used the ChatGPT API to build an AI chatbot called “My AI” that is available for Snapchat+ subscribers.

Shop :

When people search for products on their consumer app, they have the option to start a conversation with the shopping assistant who will make personalized recommendations based on their requests.
All of this is possible thanks to Whisper’s human-level accuracy in speech recognition. Helps language students talkanything & get instant feedback from an AI language tutor. ― Adam Daniel
Different companies have been using the OpenAI API to power their products with AI. For example, Duolingo uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 to provide French grammar corrections on its app, while GitHub uses OpenAI’s Codex to help programmers write code faster with less work.

The post ChatGPT-4: Taking conversational AI to the next level with the advanced language generation and context-awareness appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/09/chatgpt-4-taking-conversational-ai-to-the-next-level-with-the-advanced-language-generation-and-context-awareness/feed/ 0 6723
Start and grow your business with AI ultimate upscale — a step-by-step guide: 4 use cases https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/09/start-and-grow-your-business-with-ai-ultimate-upscale-a-step-by-step-guide-4-use-cases/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=start-and-grow-your-business-with-ai-ultimate-upscale-a-step-by-step-guide-4-use-cases https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/09/start-and-grow-your-business-with-ai-ultimate-upscale-a-step-by-step-guide-4-use-cases/#respond Sun, 09 Apr 2023 18:07:33 +0000 https://favdevs.com/demos/wp/techza/?p=6718 OpenAI just released the ChatGPT API. Here’s how some companies have powered their products with the ChatGPT API...

The post Start and grow your business with AI ultimate upscale — a step-by-step guide: 4 use cases appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

learn how to use the ChatGPT API and:
  • Customize the behavior of the chatbot, so the responses are more relevant to your customers
  • Create a nice interface that makes AI more accessible for your customers (who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access and use AI tech)
  • Create or improve your product/service
Here’s how some companies have implemented the ChatGPT API in their businesses.

Quizlet :

If you’re a student, probably you know Quizlet. This is a learning platform that helps people study and practice any subject through flashcards.

Snapchat :

Another app that has used the ChatGPT API is Snapchat. Snapchat used the ChatGPT API to build an AI chatbot called “My AI” that is available for Snapchat+ subscribers.

Shop :

When people search for products on their consumer app, they have the option to start a conversation with the shopping assistant who will make personalized recommendations based on their requests.
All of this is possible thanks to Whisper’s human-level accuracy in speech recognition. Helps language students talkanything & get instant feedback from an AI language tutor. ― Adam Daniel
Different companies have been using the OpenAI API to power their products with AI. For example, Duolingo uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 to provide French grammar corrections on its app, while GitHub uses OpenAI’s Codex to help programmers write code faster with less work.

The post Start and grow your business with AI ultimate upscale — a step-by-step guide: 4 use cases appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/09/start-and-grow-your-business-with-ai-ultimate-upscale-a-step-by-step-guide-4-use-cases/feed/ 0 6718
How we upgraded frontend architecture for performance… https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/03/how-we-upgraded-frontend-architecture-for-performance/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-we-upgraded-frontend-architecture-for-performance https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/03/how-we-upgraded-frontend-architecture-for-performance/#respond Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:13:43 +0000 https://favdevs.com/demos/wp/techza/?p=1534 Introduction As a company that values user experience, we realized that our...

The post How we upgraded frontend architecture for performance… appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

learn how to use the ChatGPT API and:
  • Customize the behavior of the chatbot, so the responses are more relevant to your customers
  • Create a nice interface that makes AI more accessible for your customers (who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access and use AI tech)
  • Create or improve your product/service
Here’s how some companies have implemented the ChatGPT API in their businesses.

Quizlet :

If you’re a student, probably you know Quizlet. This is a learning platform that helps people study and practice any subject through flashcards.

Snapchat :

Another app that has used the ChatGPT API is Snapchat. Snapchat used the ChatGPT API to build an AI chatbot called “My AI” that is available for Snapchat+ subscribers.

Shop :

When people search for products on their consumer app, they have the option to start a conversation with the shopping assistant who will make personalized recommendations based on their requests.
All of this is possible thanks to Whisper’s human-level accuracy in speech recognition. Helps language students talkanything & get instant feedback from an AI language tutor. ― Adam Daniel
Different companies have been using the OpenAI API to power their products with AI. For example, Duolingo uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 to provide French grammar corrections on its app, while GitHub uses OpenAI’s Codex to help programmers write code faster with less work.

The post How we upgraded frontend architecture for performance… appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/03/how-we-upgraded-frontend-architecture-for-performance/feed/ 0 1534
How we cut the rate of GPT hallucinations from 20%… https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/03/how-we-cut-the-rate-of-gpt-hallucinations-from-20/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-we-cut-the-rate-of-gpt-hallucinations-from-20 https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/03/how-we-cut-the-rate-of-gpt-hallucinations-from-20/#respond Mon, 03 Apr 2023 09:13:09 +0000 https://favdevs.com/demos/wp/techza/?p=1529 Instead of fine-tuning, we used combination of prompt chaining and pre/post...

The post How we cut the rate of GPT hallucinations from 20%… appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

learn how to use the ChatGPT API and:
  • Customize the behavior of the chatbot, so the responses are more relevant to your customers
  • Create a nice interface that makes AI more accessible for your customers (who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access and use AI tech)
  • Create or improve your product/service
Here’s how some companies have implemented the ChatGPT API in their businesses.

Quizlet :

If you’re a student, probably you know Quizlet. This is a learning platform that helps people study and practice any subject through flashcards.

Snapchat :

Another app that has used the ChatGPT API is Snapchat. Snapchat used the ChatGPT API to build an AI chatbot called “My AI” that is available for Snapchat+ subscribers.

Shop :

When people search for products on their consumer app, they have the option to start a conversation with the shopping assistant who will make personalized recommendations based on their requests.
All of this is possible thanks to Whisper’s human-level accuracy in speech recognition. Helps language students talkanything & get instant feedback from an AI language tutor. ― Adam Daniel
Different companies have been using the OpenAI API to power their products with AI. For example, Duolingo uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 to provide French grammar corrections on its app, while GitHub uses OpenAI’s Codex to help programmers write code faster with less work.

The post How we cut the rate of GPT hallucinations from 20%… appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/03/how-we-cut-the-rate-of-gpt-hallucinations-from-20/feed/ 0 1529
Start and grow your business with AI: 4 use cases… https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/03/start-and-grow-your-business-with-ai-4-use-cases/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=start-and-grow-your-business-with-ai-4-use-cases https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/03/start-and-grow-your-business-with-ai-4-use-cases/#respond Mon, 03 Apr 2023 08:50:05 +0000 https://favdevs.com/demos/wp/techza/?p=1263 Open AI just released with the ChatGPT API. Here’s how some companies have...

The post Start and grow your business with AI: 4 use cases… appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

learn how to use the ChatGPT API and:
  • Customize the behavior of the chatbot, so the responses are more relevant to your customers
  • Create a nice interface that makes AI more accessible for your customers (who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access and use AI tech)
  • Create or improve your product/service
Here’s how some companies have implemented the ChatGPT API in their businesses.

Quizlet :

If you’re a student, probably you know Quizlet. This is a learning platform that helps people study and practice any subject through flashcards.

Snapchat :

Another app that has used the ChatGPT API is Snapchat. Snapchat used the ChatGPT API to build an AI chatbot called “My AI” that is available for Snapchat+ subscribers.

Shop :

When people search for products on their consumer app, they have the option to start a conversation with the shopping assistant who will make personalized recommendations based on their requests.
All of this is possible thanks to Whisper’s human-level accuracy in speech recognition. Helps language students talkanything & get instant feedback from an AI language tutor. ― Adam Daniel
Different companies have been using the OpenAI API to power their products with AI. For example, Duolingo uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 to provide French grammar corrections on its app, while GitHub uses OpenAI’s Codex to help programmers write code faster with less work.

The post Start and grow your business with AI: 4 use cases… appeared first on Tanzania Episcopal Conference.

https://tec.ventech.co.tz/2023/04/03/start-and-grow-your-business-with-ai-4-use-cases/feed/ 0 1263